iShoutbox offers webmasters free remotely hosted shoutboxes
for inclusion on their websites. What is a shoutbox? A shoutbox, which is
also known as a tagboard, saybox, chatterbox or a chatbox, is an easy to
add messaging service which allows your visitors to leave messages for
you and the other visitors to your website, like a cross between a forum
and an instant messaging service.
We offer full customization so that the colors of the shoutbox
match your website fully. We currently offer 13 predefined skins and at least that many user created skins, and 6
smilie sets. The skins can
be completely customized, and you can also define your own smilies and
smilie codes. All the shoutbox functions are free and unrestricted (no
paid versions).
We also offer technical support on our support portal, where you can report any
questions, bugs, or problems you might be having.
